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  • Writer's pictureLindsey Gallimore

First Post

books storytelling first-post

First and foremost I want to thank whoever is reading this post. There are a lot of blogs and sites on the web and for some reason you have stumbled onto my site and found my blog. Not only that but you are taking the time to not only travel through the pages of my site but to also read this blog post and for that I thank you.

Of course one purpose of this site is to reach potential employers and hopefully one day find the perfect job for me. However, I want this site to be more than that. I want it to not only reach employers but others as well. The internet is a vast place and my hope is that my site will be one small little comforting place in the internet. I want my site to be a nice place, a cozy place, a place where you feel calm and relaxed.

At the time I am writing this post I am just beginning my website and beginning my journey. But the hope is that this site will grow and that I will grow with it. I may not have the most experience in the online world, but I am quickly learning. This is the very first site I have ever created and while I’ve had a few bumps along the way, I am figuring it out. This site may have been a challenge for me, but it was a challenge I was ready for.

With that being said, I know there are many challenges in my future and I am looking forward to them. I am ready for whatever journey comes next.

Once again thank you for visiting my site and for reading my blog.




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