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  • Writer's pictureLindsey Gallimore

Five Ways To Be A Better College Student

As my time in college nears its end, I have realized that I have learned a few helpful tips along the way. Here are a few of my personal tips that have helped me succeed in my college career:

1. Start Studying Early

Studies show that cramming for tests isn’t helpful. Our minds need time to gradually learn material over time and cramming all of your study material in at the last moment simply does not work. That’s why one of my first tips is to start studying early. Go over your notes either after class or at the end of the week. Reread them and if you type them on a laptop: write them out. If you write them by hand: type them on your laptop. Go over the concepts and continue to do so throughout the semester, long before the exam or paper is due. This will give your mind time to truly learn the material and you won’t be caught the night before an exam trying to remember everything!

2. Ask Questions

This is a fairly obvious suggestion, but I am sure that many students don’t do this. When you are confused about something or something is unclear: ask a question! You can ask in class and it might benefit your other classmates as well. Chances are if you’re confused about something, another student might be confused as well. If you’re not brave enough to raise your hand in class, try talking to the professor after class or even send them a quick email. This leads me to my next tip.

3. Talk to Professors

Seriously, talk to your professors. If you can talk to them after or before class. If your schedule doesn’t allow for this, go visit them during their office hours. But even if their office hours don’t fit in with your schedule, try emailing them to set up a time you can meet. Most professors want to talk with students and they will find time to meet with you.

4. Form Study Groups

Another helpful tip I have is to form a study group. It helps to discuss the concepts and even quiz each other. Recalling the definition of a term you read can sometimes be more difficult than remembering the conversation you had with another student about the term. It helps to study with other students. You can compare notes, explain concepts to each other, and honestly being around other students are just as stressed as you about the test can make you feel better. Because at least you’re not alone!

5. Sit in the Front

One final tip I have is to sit towards the front of the class. If you can sit in the front or second row. You will not have as many distractions, be more likely to pay attention, and might have more opportunities to talk with and get to know your professor.

There you have it 5 Ways To Be A Better College Student! These are five tips that work for me and hopefully you find at least one that helps you. I know everyone is different so if some of these tips aren’t for you that’s totally okay.

- Lindsey



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