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  • Writer's pictureLindsey Gallimore

Online Presence

online presence PR digital

PR is a fast changing world and digital is quickly overtaking the industry, so to be successful you need to immerse yourself in the digital world.

The old days of PR are gone, over, history, in the past. Today PR is switching into the digital world. While traditional ads are still being used, today having a digital presence is more important than ever before. For a brand to be relevant today it needs to have an online presence. Brands can have websites, social media, and even apps to stay in touch with their customers. Users are on the go and need to be able to easily contact brands.

For PR practitioners this means becoming educated in the best ways in which to reach their customers. Taking into consideration your target audience will shape which digital channel you use. Younger audiences prefer short and sweet media, so sticking to online platforms like Instagram and Twitter will be beneficial. However, for an older audience being present on Facebook and creating longer messages will be more effective.

Additionally, PR practitioners need to find out which content works best on each site and make sure they are consistent with their content. Content needs to be relevant and posts need to be made frequently. What good is a social media site if posts are never made to it? Not only do you need to focus on posting good quality content you need to make sure that you frequently post the content so that customers will continue to see the posts and the message will get across.

The online world is a scary place; however, with practice it can be used to your advantage. Today’s PR practitioners need to not be afraid of the digital world and instead use the many channels to their advantage. By using websites, social media, and apps you can reach more new customers and audiences than ever before. With how much people now spend online, having an online presence is almost a necessity now.



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