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  • Writer's pictureLindsey Gallimore

Positive Thinking

To say that 2020 has been stressful would be an understatement. With every month I keep thinking: what will happen next? This year has been basically just one tragic event after another. All of the obstacles this year have caused me to adjust to the changes and one thing that has helped me with the chaotic reality we are in is to think positively about the future. I will admit though that sometimes it’s easier said than done.

Throughout this year as each challenge presented itself I kept telling myself: don’t worry it will get better. This won’t last forever. The world will get better. But with the number of obstacles this year this positive thinking hasn’t always been easy. It’s difficult to believe that everything will get better when it seems like the entire country and world are falling apart right before my eyes. But even through all of this madness I have been doing my best to stay positive. To think positive thoughts about the future and to tell myself that one day this chaos will settle down and things will get better. Doing this has been the one thing that has kept me grounded this year.

In the early months of 2020 when the pandemic had just started I wanted more than anything to simply go back to normal. I wanted the virus to be gone, for everyone to be healthy, and to step back into my previous life. However, as the Black Lives Matter protests began and I became more aware of truly how broken the system is in this country, I realized that the normal I had lived in before was not a normal that I ever wanted to go back to.

While I had always been aware of the racial injustices in the United States these last few months have really made me realize how much we need everything to change. This is one of the reasons why thinking positively has become so important to me. It is too depressing to think that nothing will ever get better. Instead I am clinging to the hope that with everyone working together we will heal, fix some of our problems, and change for the better. I am remaining hopeful for a future that is better than the past.

We cannot continue to live in that ignorant bubble where we just went day-to-day never realizing the pain and suffering all around us. Instead we need to look forward to a better day, a day where people are happier, healthier, and safer. So I’m thinking positive thoughts about the future. I am doing my best to take my positive thoughts and turn them into a reality. One day this world will be better.



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