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  • Writer's pictureLindsey Gallimore

The Great Outdoors

When is the last time I went outside? I mean truly went outside? Took in some fresh air? Sometimes I find myself asking myself these questions and I know it’s time for me to go step out into the “great outdoors.”

trees redwood park hike carbon canyon regional park
Redwood Grove at Carbon Canyon Regional Park in Brea, CA

I am mostly an indoors person; however, I have a love and appreciation for nature. However, because I grew up in suburban and city neighborhoods nature always seemed so far away to me. So for me it takes a little extra effort to get out into nature and to be able to fully embrace it. However, once I do get outdoors I find that I am so happy to be there.

I am not the most adventurous when it comes to exploring outside, in fact I’m a relative newbie but I appreciate going outdoors and enjoying mini hikes that bring me closer to nature and allow me to escape from the chaotic life in suburbia and cities. There is just something wonderful about stepping outside and being around nature.

Once I step outside I feel calmer and more at peace. I know it sounds cliche but breathing in fresh air really does something. Stepping into nature makes me forget the stresses of the real world.Walking among the trees and feeling the leaves crunch beneath my feet is a feeling I can’t experience while walking across a crowded parking lot filled with exhaust.

So if you’ve only appreciated nature from afar my advice is to go see it up close. Visit that park, go for a little hike, just step outside. But remember to stay safe, go with a friend, and don’t do anything drastic. Even if it’s a small walk through a small park you might still find it beneficial.




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